Muslim marriage: Embracing Realism in the Quest for a Life Partner

In a world often adorned with romantic tales and fairy-tale endings, the journey to finding a life partner can be clouded by unrealistic expectations. For Muslim women navigating the path of matrimony, the call to embrace realism becomes not just a choice but a guiding light leading to fulfilling and grounded connections. In my book,…

15 tips for parenting a smart child

Hey there, fellow parents of budding geniuses! Parenting a smart child can be a rollercoaster ride filled with exhilarating highs and a few challenging loops. Smart kids can be curious, demanding, and may require extra stimulation and attention. No matter what the latest school report said, as you navigate this extraordinary journey, it’s essential to…


Building resilience: Tips for teachers

Teaching is a challenging profession that can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Between long hours, difficult students, and constantly changing expectations, it’s no wonder that many teachers struggle with stress, anxiety, and burnout. However, one way that teachers can improve their mental health is by improving their levels of resilience. Resilience is…

The Realities of Adulting: What Our Parents Didn’t Tell Us

Growing up, it’s easy to put our parents on a pedestal, thinking they’ve got life all figured out. But as we step into adulthood ourselves, we start to uncover the hidden struggles our parents faced, challenges they may not have shared during our childhood. Let’s dive into some of these real-life adulting anxieties and recognise…

Sons of the Ummah

On the morning of Sunday, April 14, 2024, our community was shaken by the tragic news of the untimely passing of four youngsters, aged around 20, in a motor vehicle accident in Johannesburg. As I awoke to this heartbreaking news, my thoughts were consumed by empathy for the four sets of grieving parents, and their…

Teacher wellbeing – A wellness culture in schools

Teaching is an incredibly rewarding profession, but it can also be very challenging and stressful. Teachers often work long hours, deal with difficult students, and have to juggle multiple responsibilities at once. As a result, teacher burnout and turnover rates are high, which can have a negative impact on both teachers and students. To combat…

Rights and responsibilities of husband, wife and in-laws in Islam

On 28 January 2024, I was invited to speak at Journey to Jannah’s first online seminar on Marriage. I was asked to cover the topic of Rights and responsibilities of husband, wife and in-laws. For your convenience, I’ve recorded my contribution for you, and I have also included a full transcript. May Allah SWT accept…

Book review: Zahra and Yaseen (Salaam2Soulm8 series)

I was honoured to receive an Advanced Reader Copy of Zahra and Yaseen, book 1 in the upcoming Salaam2Soulm8 series by Tasneem Gaffoor and Wilman Fikker Publishing House South Africa. Zahra and Yaseen, the debut novel in the Salaam2Soulm8 series, offers an engaging and fast-paced storyline set within a halaal environment, yet doesn’t compromise on…

Let’s Talk Marriage: Going Back to Basics for a Solid Start

Have you ever stopped to wonder how our grandparents (and perhaps some of our parents) found a spouse the halaal way and kicked off their marriage by sharing just one family car, living communally, and were known to do a whole lot of hard work in their daily lives? They started off their marriages with…