
Building resilience: Tips for teachers

Teaching is a challenging profession that can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Between long hours, difficult students, and constantly changing expectations, it’s no wonder that many teachers struggle with stress, anxiety, and burnout. However, one way that teachers can improve their mental health is by improving their levels of resilience. Resilience is…

How to boost confidence in children

How to boost confidence and build motivation in school-going children

Teachers have a tough(er) job, these days, competing with more outside influences than any generation before them. It is becoming more and more challenging to keep attention and motivate learners in and out of the classroom. Boosting confidence and motivation in school-going children is crucial for their overall academic success and personal development. When learners…


Reflective journaling for teachers

The Mindfulness & Lifestyle Journal and Planner for Teachers aims to assist teachers, both newly trained and experienced, who are unprepared for the social and emotional demands of the classroom.
When used consistently, it assists teachers when dealing with conflict in the classroom, in the staffroom, as well as with school administration. Thus, it can help one feel more in control, which, in turn, leads to better job satisfaction.